Monday, November 2, 2015

how to get "that" girl

1. Look over at her awkwardly in the distance and say nothing just think to yourself how pretty she is

2. Get up and pretend to get enough courage to ask her on a date

3. Chicken out, don't ask her, just sit down and finish your lunch

4.  Daydream about all of the amazing adventures your gonna have

5. At one point she will ask you if you have a pencil

6. Give her your pencil

7. Don't ask for it back, it's scary and she'll remember you every time she looks at it

8. Wait a couple days and realize she lost the pencil

9. Ask her for it back and when she says she lost it just say "oh okay, well what can you do?"

10. Ask her what her name is (you already know it but she doesn't know yours this is where she finds out)

11. Make small talk here and there every once in a while

12. Ask her what she did last weekend if the answer was hang out with jocks then abort. If it was Netflix continue. If it was Netflix and chilled then abort, she's a hoe

13. Ask her if she wants to hang out with you and some friends

14. When she comes to hang out, flirt with her here and then then ask her on a date, double date so you can't run out of things to say.

15. She's knows your interested take her out again

16. At this point if she's into you she will keep hanging out with you. If not she won't make time for you

17. Walk really close next to her if she makes space your done, quit now. If not try to hold her hand

19. In a week or too tell her you like her

20. A week after that let her know you want to be the only one taking her on dates

21. Ask her to be your girlfriend 

22. That is it. Your done. you've made it

23. This is all strait garbage and none of it really works

24. Don't use this for marriage it will end in divorce

25. Steps 1-5 is all I've ever really done sooooooooooooo just do 1-5

26. Delete any motivation you got from this post.


  1. this is the best thing I've ever read

  2. Dick man your a great writer, but you know what this all made sense so i'll try steps 1-26 for kicks. But if it fails i'll just do 1-5. maybe. um maybe ill stick with 1

  3. '12. Ask her what she did last weekend if the answer was hang out with jocks then abort. If it was Netflix continue. If it was Netflix and chilled then abort, she's a hoe"
    Haha oh my #stolen

  4. At first I was like, "Wow, you make getting your crush sound so easy!" Then i got to 23 and I was like, "I knew it!"
    Haha this was fantastic.

  5. haha 12 !!!!! 23-26 were the best ones!!!

  6. I would probably hit 19 then crash like a c4 truck hitting a firework factory
