Hi I'm Carter J Pratt.
I'm not good at introducing myself but most of you know me a little bit.
Here it goes again
I'm 5'11" and skinny as Flat Stanley
My favorite artist Ben Folds
The best song I've ever heard is "always gold" by radical face
If you skip a Childish Gambino then I'm skipping out on you
Same thing for Chance the Rapper and The Shins
Yes the last three things were music but I love that garbage
I have 2 people that mean the world to me and one of them is a dog
I procrastinate so much that forgot where this sentence took me 10 minutes
when you ask me what my favorite food is I'll say Cubby's and yes I work there
I bought my car for 500 bones and I can hit 125 mph in it
This is literally just a list of random crap that I like
I'm getting bored.
Anyway I still can't grow facial hair
I love poetry but hate everything I write
Yes I genuinely hate it, I'm not fishing for compliments
Hate school. It's just busy work
Me and "hipster" should never be in the same sentence
I hope nobody reads this
Good day
you're a good person carter.