Sunday, October 18, 2015

i wish I knew "alive"

I wish I knew what it was like to be alive
But since 2008 I've been in a coffin most people would call a body
They have tried to bring me back to life ever since
But zombies can't exercise to feel better like humans can
They tried tricking me into thinking I was alive
They even tried just talking
Nothing ever works
Even if you bring something back to life it will never be the same
Doctors gave me medicine and it gave me feeling
But I'm still dead
Just walking the streets in a coffin you call a body


  1. "They tried tricking me into thinking I was alive" I like that for some reason.

  2. oh & im not Matt if that matters. his email is logged on to my iPod. Sorry

  3. "But since 2008 I've been in a coffin most people would call a body"

    thumbs up.

  4. Well fetch if this isn't amazing I don't know what is.

  5. Wowowow. I think lots of people can relate and feel this way, you just said this perfectly!!

  6. This post literally made me have chills. Especially the last line

  7. "Just walking the streets in a coffin you call a body"

    # freaking stolen
