Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kind of love

She was the perfect kind of love
The first thing I think about kind of love
The leaves cute notes kind of love
The smiles when she sees you kind of love
She was the only kind of love

I remember our first real conversation
The cute laugh kind of love
The still pretty after a soccer game kind of love
The talking for hours kind of love
She made you feel special

Her kind of love was the best kind of love
The "this feels right" kind of love
The "I miss you" kind of love
The "drive safe" kind of love
Cause you knew that when she said it she ment it
And she genuinely wanted you to be safe

She makes me feel alive
When I see her i forget about everything stressing me out
Because she is
The 2 a.m. FaceTime kind of love
The talk about boobies kind of love
The cuddle in movies kind of love
But for real she is like the best at cuddling
Like if there was an Olympic event for it
She would win the gold medal every time

She's the kind of person you want to be around it's the
The not so awkward silence kind of love
The put up holiday decorations together kind of love
The not quite in love kind of love
Cause we are in high school and I'm not sure we know what love is
But I've never felt this way about anyone before

So this is the closest I've gotten to love kind of love


  1. Where do you guys find such good people to date!?

  2. "The put up holiday decorations together kind of love"
    snapped at this.

    this was awesome, especially coming from a dude. well done.

    also i really like your header photo

  3. the drive safe part was so sweet & happy

  4. this is just so cute and I love that it repeats the "kind of love"

  5. Help. I'm feeling (or tearing up bc this was perfect)

  6. "the not quite in love kind of love"
    good job carter j.

  7. if this doesn't remind everyone of the person they love I don't know what will

  8. wow. everything you're describing is terribly abstract but you make it sound so simple. beautifully done.

  9. When I read it I could hear your voice & it just made it 100x better and I didn't think it could get better. nice work dude

  10. Wow now I really wanna make black bean quinou salad

  11. i started copy and pasting lines then i realized that i copied the whole poem, so this was amazing
